Diablo 3 demon hunter unhallowed build
Diablo 3 demon hunter unhallowed build

The real trick here is to avoid getting hit at all so that Squirt's Necklace gives its full benefit. RELATED: Diablo 3 - How To Farm Cultist PagesĪfter getting to 37% cooldown reduction, Vengeance never has to be on cooldown. In parties, if the Demon Hunter has the responsibility of DPS, the Fortress Ballista can be sacrificed for Balla's Bequest for a chance to proc extra Hungering arrow strikes. This is the best solo build for Demon Hunter's in the game, reaching as high as Greater Rift 142. Even those who plan on doing different builds should really consider saving a set in the Armory for the GoD Hungering Arrow build just for the sake of farming paragon levels and items.

  • Kanai's Cube: The Ninth Cirri Satchel, Depth Diggers, Convention of Elementsĭiablo 3 GoD Hungering Arrow Demon Hunter Speeding Through Enemiesīefore even talking about this class in the context of late-game ability, it must be noted that this is the single best solo farming build in the game of any class.
  • Item Stat Priorities: Cooldown Reduction (until 37%), Critical Hit Damage, Critical Hit Chance, Cold Damage, Hungering Arrow Damage, Area Damage.
  • Legendary Gems: Taeguk, Simplicity's Strength, Zei's Stone of Vengeance.
  • diablo 3 demon hunter unhallowed build

  • Weapons: Dawn (Flawless Royal Emerald), Fortress Ballista (Flawless Royal Emerald).
  • Jewelry: Squirt's Necklace, Focus, Restraint.
  • Armor: Dystopian Goggled (Flawless Royal Diamond), Mechanical Pauldrons, Galvanized Vest (Flawless Royal Diamonds), Gas Powered Automail Forearm, Wraps of Clarity, Hunter's Wrath, Cold Cathode Trousers (Flawless Royal Diamonds), Antique Vintage Boots.
  • diablo 3 demon hunter unhallowed build

    Passive skills: Cull the Weak, Ambush, Tactical Advantage, Archery.

    diablo 3 demon hunter unhallowed build

    Active skills: Companion (Boar Companion), Strafe (Rocket Storm), Vengeance (Dark Heart), Hungering Arrow (Devouring Arrow), Fan of Knives (Bladed Armor), Smoke Screen (Vanishing Powder).Diablo 3 Demon Hunter Strafing After Killing A Zombie

    Diablo 3 demon hunter unhallowed build